Highly rated series spanning the end of the 1970s and the beginning of the 1980s, and featuring the eccentric and slightly scruffy Detective Sergeant Bulman (Don Henderson). Bulman originally appeared in The XYY Man, then was part of five series of 'Strangers', before leaving the police force to become a private investigator in Bulman. Opening credits include a distant view of a Greater Manchester PTE double decker behind Bulman's head:
Episode 1.01: The Paradise Set
Bulman arrives in the series by coach, but apart from two differently styled Duple Dominant coaches of National Travel, we don't see much:
Episode 2.02: Call of the Wild
Quick view of a Lancashire United Daimler Fleetline/Northern Counties:
Episode 3.01: Retribution
Disappointingly just a closeup glimpse of a passing Routemaster at Euston:
....and an MD-class Scania Metropolitan:
Episode 3.04: A Racing Certainty
This Leyland-National passes the camera at speed. It's in standard National Bus Company livery of the time, but neither the registration plate nor the fleetname can be seen clearly. I believe it's a Southdown, but I'm open to offers:
Episode 3.05: Clowns Don't Cry
London Transport Routemasters pass a DAF/Plaxton near Trafalgar Square:
Episode 4.01: The Moscow Subway Murders
Lots more Routemasters!: the lead vehicle looks like RML2665 (SMK665F), followed by RM1026 (26CLT) and RM767 (WLT767), also RML2356 (CUV356C):
There's also a Red Arrow AEC Merlin:
...and a Leyland B20 Fleetline at Bank Underground station:
Episode 4.03: A Dear Green Place
An episode set in Glasgow ends with a single decker bus on a motorway:
Episode 4.04: Stand and Deliver
A coach full of tourists is robbed. It's JNX633V, a 1979 Ford R1114 with Van Hool body:
We also see a Duple-bodied coach next to a truck stop:
Episode 5.06: Charlie's Brother's Birthday
A car chase passes a Ribble bus garage - parked outside is a Duple Dominant II bodied Leyland Leopard: