A Munro is a Scottish mountain over 3000 feet high, of which there are 282. This show, presented by the sparky Muriel Gray, did much to popularise the pastime of 'Munro-bagging' - climbing them all. Malcolm Rennie notes two sequences featuring incidental buses.
Episode 1.03:
"Presenter Muriel Gray is doing a piece to camera in Edinburgh's Princes Street. Lothian Regional Transport Leyland Atlantean/Alexander 471 (MSF471P) passes on route 21 giving a side and rear view. On the other side of the road can be seen a Lothian Leyland Olympian and an Eastern Scottish Alexander bodied Dodge S56."
Episode 1.04:
"Muriel Gray talks to camera with a side view of a midi length Setra coach behind. The fleet name appears to be either Martin or Marlin."