Brilliantly-80s buddy cop detective series set in Miami, FL, following the work of two detectives from Miami-Dade County's Organised Crime Bureau (OCB). Being filmed on location in the titular Miami, expect lots of orange-and-green Miami Metrobus vehicles passing by in the background of most episodes around urban Miami. A prominent example is Season 1, Episode 7 'No Exit': this features an unidentified passing Miami Metrobus vehicle in the 'I Don't Care Anymore' sequence.
The Season 2-opener two-parter 'The Prodigal Son', this time being filmed on location in less-colourful, more-gritty 1985 New York City, features GMC New Looks, this time of the New York MTA (Metropolitan Transportation Authority).
Season 4, Episode 12 'The Cows of October' features an unidentified, rusting coach of some sort in the middle of a brief scene set in a scrapyard in which a deal is busted by federal government agents.