Buses on Screen > Films > Films T > That Night AKA One Hot Summer (1992, Juliette Lewis)

That Night AKA One Hot Summer (1992, Juliette Lewis)
Restored 1954 Greyhound Scenicruiser 4300 was filmed in Baltimore, Maryland for this film about a 12 year old girl coming of age.

"The bus was restored in full Greyhound livery as the producer had permission from Greyhound to do so. However, the day before filming started Greyhound went on strike and withdrew permission to have their name on the bus. Against my protest, the producer had stage hands remove the Greyhound name and dogs, then called Trailways and received permission to letter the bus TRAILWAYS BUS LINES. Big joke, as the Scenicruiser was built in secret by General Motors in 1952 exclusively for GREYHOUND and TRAILWAYS never had a Scenicruiser.

Also, the producer wanted to have a black driver, as Greyhound had ONE black driver in 1952, so out of my 150 employees we found a black gentleman who resembled the actor assigned to play the bus driver. Only my driver never drove a clutch for us and could not seem to master the double clutch technique. The last scene was shot over and over for several hours of the bus doing a run-by on a long country road. The driver was supposed to down shift as he approached the camera crew. However he was unable to get the bus from 4th gear to 3rd and went by the camera many times during retakes grrrrrrrrrinding gears. That scene was edited out and a school bus was substituted for the sundown scene. What a joke, but you know movie producers, they know it all."
(many thanks to owner Pete Brenenstuhl)
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